Shuang Liang

Lecturer @ Media Arts and Sciences

Personal Website:http:/liangshuang/


  • 模式识别

  • 高级计算机图形学

  • 用户交互技术


  • 香港 ITF 项目 [HKRITA RD/PR/005/09],iTextile - 适用于机织物电子数据库的智能搜索系统,2010-2012,研究者

  • 香港 RGC 项目 [GRF PolyU 5101/08E],面向自适应服装设计的属性超图建模与拓扑匹配,2008-2010,研究者

  • 中国 863 项目 [2007AA01Z334],基于神经网络的 3D 人脸动画技术研究,2007-2009,研究者

  • 中国 863 项目 [2007AA01Z334],基于手绘草图的三维动画模型创作技术研究,2007-2010,研究者

  • 欧盟 FP6 IST 项目 [511572-2] PROFI,感知相关的图形检索,2005-2008,研究者

  • 教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划 [NCET-04-0460],普适计算环境中的智能化构思环境及其交互技术,2004,研究者

  • 中国自然科学基金 [60373065],基于手绘草图的智能化构思环境及其关键技术研究,2004,研究者

  • 中国自然科学基金 [69903006], 基于数据仓库的方案设计智能化方法及其工具研究,2003,研究者

  • 新加坡 PracBiz 公司软件开发合作项目,电子商务的普适计算平台及其应用研究与开发,2004-2006,参与者


  1. Shuang Liang, Ronghua Li and George Baciu, "Cognitive Garment Panel Design based on BSG Representation and Matching", International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), 2012.

  2. Shuang Liang, Justin Cameron and George Baciu, "Generic Gesture Kernel Modeling and Extension", International Journal on Virtual Reality, 2012.

  3. George Baciu and Shuang Liang, "Human interaction with computers and its use in the textile apparel industry", In Jinlian Hu (editor), Computer technology for textiles and apparel. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. July 2011. [ISBN: 1-84569-729-4]

  4. Shuang Liang, Ronghua Li and George Baciu, "A graph modeling and matching method for sketch-based garment panel design", The 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (IEEE ICCI'CC 2011), Banff, Canada, August 2011. (AR:48/162 = 29.6%)

  5. Shuang Liang, Justin John Cameron and George Baciu, "Generic Gesture Kernel Modeling and its application with Virtual Garment Design", The 10th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2011), HongKong, December 2011.(AR:41/131=31.2%)

  6. Jiahua Zhang, George Baciu, Shuang Liang and Cheng Liang, "A Creative Try: Composing Weaving Patterns by Playing on a Multi-Input Device", The 17th ACM symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST2010), Hong Kong, November 2010. (AR:25.3%)

  7. Shuang Liang, Eddie Chan, George Baciu and Ronghua Li, "Cognitive Garment Design Interface Using User Behavior Tree Model", The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (IEEE ICCI 2010), Beijing, China, July 2010. (AR:111/366 = 30.3%)

  8. Shuang Liang, Ronghua Li, George Baciu, Eddie Chan and Dejun Zheng, "Partial Matching of Garment Panel Shapes with Dynamic Sketching Design", The first ACM Augmented Human International Conference (ACM AH 2010), Megève, France, April 2010.

  9. 梁爽,孙正兴,“面向草图检索的小样本增量有偏学习算法”, 软件学报, 2009,20(5).

  10. Shuang Liang and Zhengxing Sun, "Sketch Retrieval and Relevance Feedback with BSVM Classification", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 29, no. 12, 2008.


2007,Utrecht University (The Netherlands), 科研奖学金(全国 18 人)

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